Saturday, September 27, 2008


"Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction." - John F Kennedy

This spoke to me today with regard to having Faith and living within Faith. From my perspective it takes both effort and courage to live a life within Faith. Effort is required to stay living in Faith and not be tempted, and courage to remain also in spite of the temptations of satan and others who are on a different path. Effort and courage together will help.

Yet - purpose and direction are tantamount to moving from the effort and courage stage to living within a standard of living a life of Faith. Any new beginning can be a bumpy ride. Example, watch a baby take his/her first steps. They fall, roll around, get frustrated occasionally; yet, they continue to get up and go again. They fall down and bump their head, cry in frustration. Yet, five minutes later, after a hug, and human and spiritual support, they are up and ready again. They have a sense of purpose and direction.

Live within purpose, and have FAITH - and be purposefully living in faith. Dust off the bumps, and stay within the direction. Or, perhaps, a direction adjustment with purpose and faith.

Suggestion: Like a child - have your snit, blow off steam, and then know in the morning, you will take a breath, check the purpose, check the direction and with faith take another, first step.

Namaste ----------

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there Susan---Aimee here from New York City--isn't it something I know exactly what your talking about. I have a strong faith and when something happens it's like everything goes out the window. Not able to think clearly and it just seems the moment something happens your faith leaves until you have had time to digest it and and absorb all in.

At that point once you realize that everything is going to be ok and the initial shock is over then your faith is back in full force and then your able to get yourself back on track.

I have also had a simular sitiuation where when I went to work one morning there were pad locks on the door and a sign that stated out of business. If that wasn't a huge blow. I immediately was starting to think the worst until I calmed down.

So your not a lone and thanks for your blog on Faith this has helped me so very much and I've been reading it over and over again. I feel better since I've read your blog.

All of them are great and look forward to your next one. Also love the pictures that is a neat one of the movie screen and the man and women in those lawn chairs.

Tell your photographer were waiting for the next one and we love the detail your photographer captures. I am a regular follower of your blog and this is my first comment.