Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Got to - Want to

"It's so hard when I have to, and so easy when I want to." - Sondra Anice Barnes

This resonated with me -- I want to blog, yet the time this past week + has been challenging. And, since the posts come from God, it is important for me to sit still a bit to allow God access.

Work has been way to LOUD in my life, and it definitely is a "have to" rather than a "want to."

All relationships can work that way. Are you feeling the "have to" more than the "want to."

This will be shorter than some lately, as I "have to" get ready for work. My day job that pays the bills. In this environment, I thank God for that opportunity. Yet, I'm also asking for others.

For parents who could use some tips, perhaps, check out Super Nanny on the Google, use the link on my home page. I noticed a blog that perhaps will provide some ideas from others who are having similar challenges, and I believe you can review some programs.

Perhaps shifting the "have to" into another thought - let's try today with whatever it is you "have to" do and simply see what happens.

"Squeeze joy....."


Anonymous said...

Hi there Susan---Mary of Fairport just a quick note for now as my break is almost over at work. Will write more later tonight or tomorrow.

Just wanted to tell you that your writing is so wonderful and I can tell you have a connect to God. Ok gotta get back to work will comment more later.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan---Mary of Fairport back. You have helped our family during a family emergency. My mother and father were on there way over to watch our 2 kids as a drunk driver ran into them on 490e killing both of my parents. It has been about 3 days ago now.

This has been so heart breaking it has been hard to want to go on. Yet we know we need to for our 2 girls sake who are 6 and 7 yrs old and they miss there nana. Thank you for your warm and gentle words as your site has been a wonderful place to come to escape for a bit.

You know they need to crack down on this drunk driving. If you want to get drunk drink at home instead of being on the road.

It does not seem real that my parents are gone. There's such a void.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan--Doug from NY --How true that is where we have to work. Then there's not much time to do much of anything else.

I'm a single father and it gets challenging where I need to be able to spend time with my 3 yr old son.

You have provide some great suggestions which I'm going to do and all your post resonate with me as I will make the necessary changes to have that quality time with my son.

I am a loyal reader of yours now for about 6 months. Your site has become my piece of heaven and you are such a God send and your photographer is awesome.

Anonymous said...

Hey Susan--Mike here of WI just wanted to tell you that you ROCK and I can tell God is shining on you.

Keep up the outstanding work.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan--Liz of MA--Looking forward to hearing more on relationships all the nuts and bolts on this topic. Very interesting on hearing your perspective.