Sunday, May 8, 2011


Today is a day to celebrate mothers. It might be considered international women's day as even if a person has not given birth, each woman has likely nurtured, cared for and been an example for children perhaps without knowing it.

Some examples are likely not ones that are beneficial for children to emulate. If we sit at the table to eat and converse, children will follow. If we say please and thank you - children will follow. If we eat our vegetables - well, we eat our vegetables. That is still an area of challenge with some children and adults.

Dad's please consider today an opportunity to show your children how to be nice to their mom's and others also. Mom's please take this opportunity to say thank you to your children, as without them we would not be moms. Then, perhaps share yourself with someone else, an example for our children to help others.

And, Thomas the Train in Medina continues to be about the family. Think Thomas is there again today - the weather is beautiful - the zoo - a park, a playground - a nap. After church today for this Nana - there is a plan. And, spending it with those I love and loving others as I go.

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan --SU Gang here we wanted to share with you all of us graduated on May 15, 2011 and we are thrilled to be done.

You have inspired all of us in so many ways and you have been there for us and we thank you.

Please let us know when your next seminar is as if we are able to make it we will all attend. All of us we studying for test the day of your seminar.

Your friend the photographer continues providing awesome pictures.

We will continue being loyal readers and you have touched all of our heart and your like one of the family with all of us.

Look forward to seeing and hearing more

SU Gang