Sunday, June 26, 2011

Who are you listening to?

Fools think their own way is right, but the wise listen to others.
--Proverbs 12:15, NLT

First, you are in my prayers each and every day. I am prayerful that this site is blessed with comfort and warmth and my anchor is God.

Who are you listening to, who are you hanging around. It truly does make a difference.

I've been nursing a lower back challenge through physical therapy, ice, heat and wise counsel. Progress is now being made.

First there was the reality that help was needed. First muscle relaxers, then x-rays then physical therapy from where knowledge and understanding came. I had different physical therapists, and each one brought me new and different knowledge all which added to what was provided before.

This entire process which has been a new one for me, offered me the opportunity to better understand what others experience. This is not a sciatic nerve challenge which I discovered tends to be what most people think.

Each situation is different - people are individuals -- who need wise counsel.

Who are you listening to and what are you listening to?


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