Saturday, November 12, 2011

Needs -- are they, and maybe so

Is a new microwave needed? That question will be answered eventually, as it sounded like a jet plane this morning. My first thought was to add that to my days agenda. Time to get a new microwave. Then I thought, what would life be like without it.

This can happen with just about anything. Relationships can fade away - something like this blog. A Tidbit blogs don't appear on schedule, they happen as God provides a thought.

When a friendship or a relationship changes from "normal" or friendships takes on a different time frame. Do you walk away or check in periodically to see what is really happening. Another possibility is to panic and react immediately.

Patience continues to be a learning experience for me. It was sweet to hear the kettle whistle this morning with water ready for foo foo coffee. Also, understand it can reheat food, thaw food and some people cook with them. For me, it may simply mean one less object needing to be cleaned.

Suggestion: Nice time of year to check in with what we need, truly need. Unlike things that have become a habit. It may take re-evaluating the steps for getting up and all steps until ready to leave for work. Those habits that we fall into. Going to begin creating a list of true needs this weekend. As I've blogged before a lot can happen within the two minutes that it takes to heat water in the microwave. A whistle or a buzzer - interesting thought.


Anonymous said...

Hi Susan Beverly of OK thank you for this post wow. I also do not have a microwave any longer as it was a giant popcorn popper and warming up food as i did not cook in it.

It's nice isn't it to go back and do things the way we did them before microwaves. I thought my husband and kids would miss it as they really don't. We are now doing things differently. Using the stove what a novel idea as with the microwave warmed up meals all the time as i did not do much cooking.

Now without it i am in the kitchen more and cooking healthy meals for my family and enjoying cooking again as it has been a long time since i have really cooked. We were eatting lots of frozen foods and lots of salts now also my family is feeling healthier.

Thank you for having this site to come to you are Gods gift to all of us. The picture is amazing my 4 yr old loves it and so does my husband.

Look forward to hearing more and seeing more pictures.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving

When is your next seminar will it be on You Tube

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl Roy and Family Happy Thanksgiving hope all is well. Love your lastest post and we can not stop laughing over the picture that is so funny.

Anonymous said...

Susan--Adam of KY Happy Thanksgiving hope your day was good ate lots of food and prepare to eat again at Christmas.

Love your post my microwave died about a month ago and do not miss it as using my stove more.

Love the picture

Look forward to reading and seeing more pictures

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan----Brenda of OH thanks for this post just what i needed as our family has been without a microwave for about a week and you think the world came to an end. It's making our family to stop and pause and think how to get food done differently.

Our family loves using the stove now and food taste a lot better.

Our family loves the picture and when are you having another seminar and will it be uploaded to You Tube. Our family have been followers of yours for over 4 years.

We look forward to the next post and the next picture.

Merry Christmas