Sunday, July 15, 2012

If love, it shows....

Summer is moving along at what seems, to me, to be at a frenetic pace. And, a new picture will be available soon. There seems to be a bit of a hold up with the transfer from Kodak Gallery to Shutter Fly, and perhaps a bit of the summertime slow down.

Listening in church today and heard something I wanted to share. Reference was being made to 1 Corinthians 13, and it may be familiar to many as being part of a wedding ceremony. During the sermon I heard each of the following.

 "If love, it shows."   In your eyes, in your voice, in your actions, etc.

"We can put on a show without love."  In their actions and voice.

Suggestion: This is a distinction, and very possible that some do not know how to love. Your thoughts? Happy Summer!


Anonymous said...

Good morning Susan, Adam of Ontario NY.

You post is what I needed please talk more about love and what it means. Follower of yours for 3 yrs. Your writing is certainly a gift from God as how you provide thought provoking questions.

Look forward to hearing more.

My son is going crazy over the new picture he loves it and in awe. My son loves bugs. He's been tracing the outline of the web on the screen with his finger.

Your photographer out did themselves once again and the detail is incredible. My son who's 5 ask me each day to see the picture. Loves bugs.

Anonymous said...

Susan good morning----Edward of Fairport NY follower of yours for 4 yrs--- Your post has gotten me thinking. I lost my wife due to Cancer going on 6 yrs married for 17. To enter into another relationship is scary as all get out and I think do I still have what it takes and like you mentioned when that person comes along will I know how to love again.

I am a Christian man believes in God and how God knows what we need and when that still amazes me.

Only God knows when you are ready for the responsibility for a relationship again. God will reveal the right person under the right circumstances. It sure does take waiting patiently and enjoying what's around me now until the time comes. When all the lessons that we need to learn have been completed that is when I believe God will place that special person in our lives. I also believe when God places that person in eyes view a love story far better that you could ever dreamed of will be created.

Also until that time comes and what ever lessons that are needed to get accomplished for that person to come into our lives.

How does a person love again. Love your writings and your a true blessing to us all. Keep it up and when is your next seminar.

Outstanding picture my grandson adores it and was like woooooooooo look at those eyes and how big it is as my grandson of 7yrs old has books about bugs.

Look forward to reading and seeing more.


Anonymous said...

Susan--- Julie Greece NY---love your post and love to hear more how do you love.

My daughter 4 yrs old loves loves the picture as she picks up any bug she can find that's my tom boy lol

Like to hear more on this topic

Anonymous said...

Susan---Roy here Girl what can I say other than you always keep amazing us keep it up. When is your next seminar keep us posted.

Your photographer is beyond words I love this picture.

Keep it up girl

Anonymous said...

Susan---Nancy of Henrietta NY---Good question how do you love---I go to church every Sunday asking to be blessed with someone special to connect with.

God has the final say who and when someone will be given to us. God is busy working on creating writing the best love story for each of us.

Would like to hear from you how to love again have not been in a relationship for 8 years. Do we still have what it takes or what gets peoples attention now a days.

I saw the other post when is the next seminar like to attend.

Murray's Mouth said...

First time finding your blog. Very uplifting!