Saturday, November 8, 2008


Recently, a very interesting experience happened as a dating relationship ended. I walked away truly wishing him well, and feeling extremely good about myself.

Rather than the typical thoughts and distressed or angry feelings that he is so............, or he said this, or he did this, immediately there was a feeling of peace and comfort as I walked away from the almost three-month relationship.

It can happen - it can be healthy. The end of a relationship does not need to be traumatic.

This one ended with "him" saying to me, "I believe you are too Christian." There were other things leading up to that; yet, with that comment, I swiftly acknowledged that he and I were NOT destined to be yoked together in a serious relationship.

Suggestion: Come from a Christian perspective, and do not step away from your individual values. Last, yet so important, save intimacy until you are CERTAIN the relationship has a foundation.

Returning to a state of gratefulness for the opportunity and the lesson will return you to be ready for the next opportunity. You will be more aware of what you don't want, as well as what you want.

Best wishes for Joyful living, each and every minute!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good morning Susan---Rebecca here from Boston. Thank you so much for this. I am just coming out of a relationship of about 7 months and a similar situation to yours. I have my values and my ex-boyfriend stated that I was being too selfish of not having intimacy with him when I was not ready and sure he was the right one for me. I struggled with it and almost gave in to the temptation.

My ex-boyfriend also stated that I was too Christian. Which in my opinion there is no such thing. It's about what you believe in and when your intimate with someone you want to know in your mind that it's something that is going to last and having that good feeling about your relationship. I think its worse if you have sex with someone that your not sure about and it leaves you feeling like you degraded yourself.

This post is so very helpful. I'm one of your regulars and this is my first post.

Keep it up and look forward to more