Monday, March 16, 2009

For Brainiacs, Professors, Dissertation Directed and Others

A site to check out. SU Group, or....... it is directed toward more than I need.

Truly, I want to return to writing, and to all of you!!!!! Yet, I have been verbal lately - and that may be the direction my energies move toward. My writing began with e-mail newsletters to a few, then to the blog available to many. Now I'm thinking small groups, and then perhaps, even larger ones.

"I will study and prepare myself and one day, my day will come." - Abraham Lincoln

Also, I have been looking back at a few suggestions and blog posts. I am going to create a writing segment, so I create the time to return to you, perhaps, once a week. That process truly works, and I will make an appointment with myself this week.

How do you define success? Are you successful? What does it look like, or what will it look like? Sometimes it is about beginning a process which moves into a habit. Hmmm, I will see how that works.

In the meantime -- "Squeeze JOY!!!!!!!