Saturday, June 26, 2010

Presentation - Possibly......

This may be the cart before the horse - yet, it might be the opposite. I am taking steps to create a presentation; however, with the many blog posts and thoughts swirling through my head, a distinct topic is somewhat fleeting.

The place I have in mind will hold about 10 people. So there will be limited seating.

It would be appreciated if topic suggestions would be offered. What would you like to hear about. Not promising that it will be my choice; however, it might be something around that suggestion. Either way, when prepared, I will be posting the time and location.

Thank you! I look forward to feedback, very much.

Power --- Strength

Your comments have resonated with me and a past relationship. The relationship was 13 years old and ended, not abruptly. Not many relationships end abruptly. Oh, it might seem so, yet actually they fade. There is a song I have heard on K-Love -- "it's a slow fade..."

It is what happens when power is given and strength fades. As this process continues a relationship becomes lopsided -- one has increasing power, one has diminished strength. This is one scenario - there are other fading relationships with other reasons for being lopsided. Yet either way, attention and focus is changing -- one or both are becoming less a priority, less important, less and less and less and less. List priorities and see where you are on their list - and determine where they are on your list.

When another has the power - what they say takes on importance, their opinion becomes the one that matters, what they think of you counts more than the 20% of what you think about yourself.

When life changes from belief to knowledge -- it truly will become easier to increase your personal strength and release the power gifted to another. In the past I believe I created a post on strength vs. power, if not, I will. Strength is larger than power, it has legs and longevity, it is what God provides when we have faith. Power is fleeting, it is based on external fuel.

Strength is internal and blossoms with faith and trust in God and yourself.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Acceptance - Conflicted

One thing I think God provides me with are good ears to hear. I read and heard - rather than mention individual names -- comments posted recently that people are not being heard by those they love. Whether it be a husband, wife, children, co-worker, or boss. Children not listening, a husband on edge, Everyone wants acceptance, respect, love, encouragement, and to be valued. If the important person in your life is not listening to you, my first question would be, WHO HAS their ears and eyes. If not on you.......

Life today appears to be so fast and furious - I'm just getting over a self designed weekend, that included a nap, reading and leisure. Much needed.

Suggestion: Find time, first for yourself. Ask - what is the problem? What needs to get fixed. Then determine if that is a mountain of a task. If so, take a small bite and consider that problem. Think of possible solutions, yet, also be open to the possibility that another person might have a great solution.

Then ask for time with that special person. The first step is to let them know the thoughts you speak are your thoughts, and you would appreciate that they simply listen. Second step, ask them what they heard. Then, don't interrupt to clarify. Allow them to hesitate and use their own words.

This can be a great start to moving into acceptance and removing conflict.

Oh, happy day. Time to move into it!


Thursday, June 10, 2010

First, Second, Third, Home

"Progress always involves risk; you can't steal second base and keep your foot on first." - Frederick Wilcox

Not to utilize old puns.... the current topic, is challenging to many, myself included with some areas of my life. With any type of relationship, you are making a commitment. You are making a choice to commit more of your time and attention to the people in your life. Whether it be dating for a week, a month, a year.

When you buy a new or new-to-you car, you are making a commitment. It is a type of relationship. A car can provide warmth, power, comfort (when it runs and gets you to where you want to go), and dependability; and there are times, when it fails and disappoints. I'm beginning the car shopping process, and I saw one recently that turned my head. After thinking about it, considering the advantages of and the advantages of not getting it, also checking in with a couple people, I determined that it was not the car for me. So, I did not commit.

How long did that take - perhaps 48 hours. It could have taken longer, or it might have taken less time. What I would suggest, truly, is pray about your relationship. Pray that your eyes be opened to see, your ears to be opened to hear, and the words you need be provided.

Suggestion: Relax, check in occasionally with the other person. Where are they? Be clear on what you want and need, and what you have to give.

and, thank you for posting your comments; you are appreciated.

Squeeze joy.....

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Commitment - Can mean "the end," yet........

The word "commitment" according to Microsoft Word's thesaurus:

Promise: pledge, vow, obligation, assurance, binder

Obligation: duty, responsibility, liability

Need I say more? Obligation, binder -- liability, duty....... Please note that, as I begin to write, these are my thoughts.

Much of the feeling around the word commitment can be based on the experiences of a person. If a person has seen relationship after relationship fail, then the word commitment, might appear as if an anvil has landed on the heart or throat.

Some people, perhaps too quickly, move into a committed relationship without first doing their own homework. What relationship do they want, what values do they have that their partner needs to share or value also.

I do suggest that people live for the present day, and not focus too far out. And, this is true in the current day. Yet, if a concept of the future is not appreciated or understood, then chances are a commitment will fail. Five years into the relationship, she goes back to school full time, he decides, please no children, another determines she does not like to travel, another finds that being alone so much was not in the bargain, still another retires. There are many more scenarios for failure of a commitment. Some people just don't want to fail.

Thus, a bad rap for commitment. If someone takes 5 years to commit to a relationship, is that wrong? What are the reasons? To finish school first, well that makes sense to me. To take the time to get to know the other person, to save and plan for the future. That can make sense.

Personally, I have had issues with this word; however, I believe I understand it and appreciate it better now. It can mean a beginning rather than an end, it can mean focus and less scattered. It can mean that the right person is right in front of you.

Your thoughts on this subject? Bring them on!!!! Thanks to each person who comments and shares, and for all others who stop by.

Squeeze joy!!!