Sunday, September 13, 2009

Party -- of One or More

What constitutes a party, anyway? I think a party can exist - yet, if no one is there to share the joy of a party, is it really a party? In my last post I suggested that people share their summers, whether they had one or not; and, made a suggestion to "get the party started."

No takers - hmmm. Not sure how to take that, yet I began blogging literally years ago, when blogging appeared to be simply a blank slate to, simply write. All of a sudden, so it seemed, people began to appear by making comments. What an interesting phenomenon virtual writing became. I almost stopped. Someone appeared to be invading a private, one person party.

A one-person party where I was enjoying myself while I wrote. Unaware that eyes could see, voices would talk, and my thoughts were spreading.

So, I'm taking steps to return to my private party - untether myself from distractions newly discovered. You can join me in whatever capacity you like.

"Squeeze joy from each minute. Time does not return, yet memories do." Silicone bands with that quote are available in green/white and black/white - and I'm going to create either a magnet or bookmark.

Cheers and blessings to all!


Anonymous said...

Hi there Susan --Jean from New Bern here---love your post....You can have a party with only one person as you are your own friend as well---I am with you let's get this party started.

Looking forward to seeing a new picture from your photographer.

Keep it up and look forward to more from you and glad your making a come back. My family and I have missed you..

Anonymous said...

Marylou here from Rochester, NY love the concept of getting the party started. Too many people take life too serious it is time to let the hair down and just be and enjoy be it a party of one or more..

So glad to see your back writing I am a huge follower of yours and your photographer. Looking forward to more.

Anonymous said...

Bob here from West Virgina--Welcome back ---it is very easy to get distracted as that happens to me every so often. I agree let's get this party rocking...My family and I have missed you and look forward to seeing more of your photographers works we love them.

Hope your back to stay now and looking forward to more writing from you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Susan---Ann from Syracuse I am part of the SU gang all of us here are so glad to see your next post and we love it. We absolutely love the picture. Your photographer out did themselves.

Over the summer our group went kayaking up in Lake George as we know the weather has not been the best. We all had a blast and we went on one of those dinner cruises which was tons of fun.

So we had a party of more than one and enjoyed every moment of it.

Keep up the great work.

Anonymous said...

Amy here of Elmira---I am one of your loyal readers thank you for this post as I just lost my husband about a month ago he was in a motor cycle accident and I have had to adjust to a party of one like your concept of this as it helps the way you put it as at the moment I am at a lost. This Saturday would have been 50 yrs.

The picture is remarkable your photographer is wonderful looking forward to reading more and seeing more pictures. Hope your back to stay it has been way too long that you have been gone