Sunday, October 18, 2009

Where does your mind take you?

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think."

-Benjamin Disraeli

Need anything more be said? :)

What are you thinking, and where are you going to go? Want more information or concepts on this topic. Esther and Jerry Hicks are a great resource. Need coaching, simply send me an e-mail.



Anonymous said...

Bonnie---from OK---I am so with you that the more you expand on your thoughts and experiences your the one that sets how high you will go up.

The more great thoughts you have it is amazing how how you can go.

It is so true it is important to nurture your mind as in today's world we all lead busy and crazy lives.

As of recently I had heard Esther and Jerry Hicks speak on hayhouse realizing that I was not taking the time to nurture my mind and let me tell you once I started doing so the next day I felt like tons of weight came off and feeling great and wonderful.

There is only one you and it's important to take care of yourself.

You know I will serious think about emailing you as I am looking for a coach as there things in my life that I want to work on and get past. I have been looking for a coach now for about 3 months.

I am a loyal reader of yours and glad and thanks for your posts

Anonymous said...

Hey there girl Roy here how the heck are you doing. 2 post back to back that is so great to see you back. Don't be gone this long again. My family and I have truly missed you and your writings

Your photographer is still so outstanding we love your photographer.

You know going green is still and seems to be even more important now than ever before.

Remember in one of your other post about the contest with the gas I think it was a husband and wife who could last longer on a tank of gas.

From my perspective if each of us would stop buying products that are not green then that would force them to come up with different packaging for a better world that is our home..

Take care and look forward to seeing more from you girl friend

Anonymous said...

Gina---from MA---You have touched on this topic that I have engaged in a project with my place of busy to become more green in the work place.

You know our children will be around longer than I will be and we need to have it a better place so your not breathing in all those toxic wastes.

You hit it right on the head also about nurturing your mind and I make it a point to do so everyday just before bed with either meditation tapes shutting off all the lights except for a candle and taking 10 mins or so to relax my mind.

So now your not leaving again for a while RIGHT. My family and I are faithful readers of yours and your photographers work

God Bless You