Sunday, October 10, 2010

Changes occur each day --

Just look out the window if you live in the Northeast particularly. Each day another leaf is turning color, the temperature hovers a little lower and the calendar some days is flying toward winter.

Celebrating today the computer is back - have a new day job, started 3 weeks ago. Love blogging, yet does not pay the bills.

This blog does fill my heart, and continues to make it bigger with a larger capacity for love. It is a gift to me, as I continue to credit God and through His Grace. He is using me to communicate with you.

I know for a fact, especially with posts recently, that computers this fall have been having some issues. And, because of that, I am turning to revisit snail mail to deliver some messages. Those that are personal, those thoughts that occur in the later evening hours, those that are needed to fill a space, a need in others.

Consider it - yes it will be a message with a price (postage is $.44, greater than a few years ago), yet that can be part of the gift. Perhaps if more people sent letters, a price increase would be unnecessary for the Post Office. Some people might have their jobs saved. And, it can be done without a computer.

Amazing - in a small way. I like moving away from the computer a bit, some days the computer seems to be in charge of me, instead of using it as a tool.

And, one more note. I attended the Rochester Women of Faith event and will be digesting much for the next few days. An inspiring view to look around and see somewhere between 9,000 to 10,000 women under one roof all to praise, heal and spend time with God.

Blessings --


Anonymous said...

Hi Susan--Leeann of NJ----you continue to bless us with your wonderful works and your friend continues providing amazing photo's. My family and i love it all.

How true changes do occur each day and to me that is so important to enjoy each moment as one never knows when something will happen.

Wow you also had a computer issue. I also did and it was due to a microsoft update and had to wait for about 2wks without it yet now mine is back also.

Talk about how changes occur each day i was talking to my daughter this goes back about a month now and spoke to my grandson on the phone who is 7 yrs old the joy of my life. The very next day he got hit by a car has a broken arm and leg yet he is still with us thank god for his presence.

Great post and keep them coming along with the photo's.

Enjoy and we love your writings and you are Gods gift to all of us.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan---Linda of PA---Wow you were at Woman of Faith so was i was in section 101 during the morning session then at night time section 202. Wasn't the whole conference remarkable so enjoyed it. I was staying at the Hyatt called them as soon as i knew they were coming to Rochester.

Hope you had great seats as well the stories and music were so moving and touching and energizing. Love Steven Curtis Chapman and Mandisa. Will be there next year also when Natalie Grant will be there.

Outstanding job by your friend the photographer with this new picture the details are amazing. Does your friend have a place where there pictures are hung and are they for sale.

Yes my computer as well had a terrible virus that was caused by one of Microsofts updates.

You are such a gifted writer and a true blessing to us all from God so look forward to hearing more and also would love to hear more on relationships as mine could use some assistance in that area. I have been married for 5 yrs and my daughter is in a relationship now going on 2 yrs and her's needs some suggestion if you could provide some to all of us.

Do you have a book out yet as i have read some of the comments or a seminar on relationships or other seminars created.

I have been a follower of yours for 2 1/2 yrs now and you are an inspiration to me and my family. I have read and have gone back to read your older post that I keep learning something more everytime i read them.

Keep up with what God provides you to create and provide value to us all.

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl Roy here how are you doing hope all is well and hope your Halloween was good we had over 120 kids i had to go out and get more candy yet it was fun seeing all the kids dressed up.

Another great post and the picture wow what can i say another fantastic job by your friend. Girl your writing keeps inspiring us all. I keep passing your blog site out to our friends as they have enjoyed reading them. We still have a couple that comes over that are friends of my wife and I and we sit and read some and we talk about it we have been doing this for awhile now as they come for dinner once a week or every other week for about and 1 hr they stay after we eat.

It's been a great way for us to connect and help and assist people by having them read your blog. Everybody that has seen it loves your blog the passion and full of valuable information that you put into it.

Take care girl and we look forward to hearing more. Just saw the comment on relationships are you going to be creating something soon that will be real nice.

Have a joyous day and girl God is so with you as you bless us all

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan---Brenda of CT----Love your post and the picture is amazing kudos to your photographer do they have a place that the pictures are being shown please let us know.

What suggestions do you have on talking to my 10yr old daughter about sex she is asking questions and not sure how to respond. Open to what you have to say.

So agree about living in the moment. I am now a widow of about a 5 months as my husband die from cancer. So trying to keep the faith and being strong for my daughter as well. So a lot going on at the moment.

Look forward to reading more. i read the other comments are you having a relationship seminar that sounds very facinating.

Have a great weekend