Wednesday, December 22, 2010

------------ Peace ---------

PEACE - What a seemingly simple, non-complex word that fills my heart with joy. To live in peace, to have peace, to be at peace.

Thank you so much for sharing your generous and gracious comments on the blog posts and the pictures. This one almost was not shared - it was viewed with flaws and lacking perfection. That is what charmed me most - as we fast approach Christmas Day.

I am taking steps to celebrate flaws and the imperfections in people and things. Perhaps that is what it will take for each and every person to be able to celebrate peace, live in and be surrounded by peace.

My wish for everyone the world around is that each person will begin and take steps to surround themselves to live in peace. It will mean different things to different people. That, too, is what I treasure most - differences. Perhaps that could be a place to start - to appreciate rather than the want to disparage differences. Celebrate differences and allow the candle of Peace to shine brightly.

Happy Holidays - Season's Greetings - and MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Susan--Jamie of TX and love your post and your first line resonated with me.

PEACE - What a seemingly simple, non-complex word that fills my heart with joy. To live in peace, to have peace, to be at peace.

How true last year had so many challenges yet your words have been so comforting along with the remarkable pictures from your friend the photogragher and this lastest picture I love it and it is so perfect wiping that slate clean love the depth of the details as this picture just continue going on and on into eternity God's grace shining through. This picture shows God giving all of us hope and start fresh.

Your writting brings me so much joy and energy as you empower to take the steps that it takes to feel better. Your words are like a cello being played with such grace and inspiration.

Look forward to reading more and hearing more about your relationship seminar you are going to have. My daughter and I have been readers of yours for over 2yrs and we love your photographer great job.

God has given you this special gift and talent as you continue assisting others.


Anonymous said...

Girl ----Roy and family here Happy New Year to you and love your post and love the picture what a great concept wipe the slate clean. This picture speaks volumes and agree with the last comment feeling the energy and your eyes can look at it and go beyond. This picture is endless.

How are you doing girl hope all is well with you. We love how you captured about living in peace. Great job girl and look forward to more from you and your photographer in 2011.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan---Debbie of NJ----your post resonated with me. How true so very true to live in peace I have had some challenges in my life and once I surrendered everything up to God I was able to living in peace and at such peace now. Thanks to your post.

The picture is awesome and love how the picture goes on for eternity and also the foot prints int he snow is remarkable as like you saying about wiping the slate. As the snow melts the foot prints disappear wiping that slate and leaving eternity right in front of you and everything that is has to offer.

Outstanding job to you Susan for your post and your friend for this amazing picture. Does your friend show there pictures somewhere and are they for sale.

Look forward to hearing more from you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan Liz of NY---love your post and isn't it a nice feeling when we finaly are living in peace.

My daughter who is 8 yrs old was hit by a car while walking to school all the week before Christmas and it's the unknown that sets in and thanks for this post as it has brought me back to center. Our daughter is still in the hospital and will need quite a bit of rehab then once she comes home we will have our Christmas with her.

Your words are so soothing and calm and thank you for them.

Your friends picture is remarkable a crisp blue sky day with a snow covered ground with foot prints it reminds of of the passage of the the bible of foot prints as all you really see is one set of them. You eyes can travel through this picture through eternity and I have been able to place myself in the picture and seeing everything that it has to offer.

How true wipe the slate clean as my husband and I were angry at the person that hit our daughter yet we gave it up to God and has placed peace on our hearts and wiping the slate clean meaning God took away that anger and we have the joy inside us and we still have our child.

Keep up the great work on your writing and look forward to the next picture and please let us know if the pictures are up for viewing somewhere.

God Bless