Tuesday, August 26, 2008


is as simply put as I believe it is difficult to do --it is about relinquishing every molecule of yourself and all those molecules around you. Faith is having the strength to give up and to let go. It is a rather large topic, and more to be said on the subject very soon - for sure.

I appreciate all of you. Thank you for your comments. In a way, you are staying in the shadows, yet I equate it to, perhaps being unable to see visually. The other senses take over. That is somewhat how I view faith. As I have learned to not hold things so tightly, so much more is felt and returned back to me. And, the returns are delightfully unexpected.

A Tidbit started over a year ago with thoughts, suggestions and ideas. It has moved in an entirely different direction on -- faith

Hey - happy Monday, or I guess, actually it is Tuesday - more to come......... Faith is a small word, yet it is packing a very, very, very large, wonderful concept.

Suggestion: Begin - walk away from something you want, or truly struggle with. Leave it up to faith - ask for it - yet leave it. Then pray and request to be relieved of the burden of holding on. This is a great place to start.


Anonymous said...

Hey Susan ---- Matthew here wow you made my day with your blog on Faith... This has been very important to me and my wife and I and the kids who are 5, 8, and 10 we take about 1/2 hr to an hr each night and we have been talking about having faith and we have been checking your blog site to see what type of topic that our family can talk about and share with each other.

Your an amazing woman and we are so inspired by your work and you are a gift from God. Our family is very spiritual and we can tell that you are also.

Great job and look forward to more also kudos to your photographer on the pictures and we look forward to seeing more of them. Does your photographer have a website of there work...

After we have talked on our topic for the night our family takes a moment and we pray with each other it's such a wonderful bonding experience with our children and we value that very much.

Love all your other blogs also.

Anonymous said...

Susan---Mitch from New Bern and this is just what I needed to hear about Faith thanks so much on writing about it... It gave myself so much insite and so much resonated with me and having faith is an important key factor in anything that anyone does..

Great job to you and great job to your photographer love the pictures

Looking forward to your next post

Anonymous said...

Susan Good morning---This is Lucy from New Bern do you remember me we met at that gathering so it's so nice to see you blog and it's so wonderful..

Your faith post has all of us talking and getting in touch with that as we tend to not implement that as often as we would like to.

Such inspiring words and a bunch of us woman meet at lunch time and spend about 1/2 hr sharing, praying
with each other and talking about faith and how it helps in our lives when we practice having faith.

Anonymous said...

Susan---Nick from CT here fantastic job on your blogs love them all and the one on faith has touched my heart in a way that it has not felt in along time.

Thank you so much for bring that passion back into my life and your an inspiration to all your an amazing woman with so many gifts from God and so nice to be able to come to your site and sit and read them and then meditate on them.

Great job and love the picture great details to the person who took it.

I'm faithful on reading your blog everyday and it's become a way of life for me now as I pray for you and others how much faith plays a part in our everyday life.

keep it up

Anonymous said...

Good morning, Susan this is Daniel..I wanted to take a moment and thank you so much for this faith post. I've needed to keep the faith.

My wife had cancer and we've been praying together from your post and last week the Lord took her home and without your blog I would not have been able to get through it and I thank you so much. This is a difficult time yet your blog has helped me keep myself in control.

Your one amazing woman and knows how to say this the write way. Please continue as I look forward to reading more and to keeping my faith as I continue asking God why did my wife have to go home to you now when we thought that the treatments were working. I'm not angry with God just sad that my wife and best friend have been taken out of the physical presence.

I know I can alway talk to her. My heart is just filled with sadness and your blog has helped me get through it.

Great job

Anonymous said...

Pearl here, my husband and I love your faith blog it has touched our hearts as my 1 year old grandson had to have open heart surgery due to a defect in his heart and we prayed together with your post and thank you and God that my grandson came through surgery just fine and will be ok.

It was your faith post that has brought the rest of our family closer together in this time of need. We live in Buffalo, NY and thank you so much for being out there. We all love you...Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

Hey Susan it's Ray in California and so much appreciate your Faith blog along with the rest of them. You have been able to put faith back into my heart again I have been going through a rough time since my wife passed away about 2 months now and your words are so comforting and I thank you so very much for that. Please do more as I get encouraged and inspired by your writings.

There refreshing, uplifting and I can tell you have God in your heart.

I found you on Google searching for a life coach and I choosed the word A Tidbit and alot of items came up and yours sounded the most interesting and I was correct on that.

Enjoy your day and looking forward to seeing and reading more.

Anonymous said...

Susan---Matt here you have to tell me who has been taking pictures for you who ever it is has done a fantastic job... and should be commended for it.. Please share that with that person.

Look forward to seeing more pictures they seem to go along with your blog post and love it so much.

I'm into taking pictures and these pictures have been amazing with the details.

Love all of your blogs.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Susan---this is Mary from Arizona...Do you ever feel that sometimes faith takes a moment to kick at times.

I have been struggling I'm going through a divorce and I pray daily yet still seems like something is missing.

Then I came upon your blog and it was so uplifting and great insites thanks so much for this as I need to have more faith. You are an inspiration to us all.

Keep up the great job.

Looking forward to your next one.

Anonymous said...

Susan --Ronald is here....tremendous job on all you post. When are we going to see another picture my wife and my kids have enjoyed the pictures that have been placed on it. We want to see more pictures from your photographer..

Talk about having faith our son who is 4 now was outside and playing we live in PA on a farm and our son started to climb up some stairs and fell backwards and hit his head was in a coma for about 2 days.

The doctors were not hopeful due to how bad the fall was. Yet we had our church, family and friends pray and our son is going to have a total recovery praise God and our group went to your site and we held hands and prayed together.

Thanks so much for your wisdom and bringing hoping into peoples live and helping them believe things are able to happen if you believe in God.