Saturday, July 23, 2011

7 Year Itch -

Jennifer Lopez and Marc Anthony - 7 years

There are many other couples that I could use as examples of the 7-Year Itch or crisis that seems to occur at that 7-year mark.

On the outside looking in and looking back there were grumblings and disconnects that were obvious and left to fester, grow and undermine. Eyes, ears and thoughts move to others who are happy, laughing and carefree - oh, where are those days? He does not listen, she does not understand, he does not care, she is too busy, he is too busy, he loses his job, she loses her job, there is a crisis, he is, she is, he is, she is.

It is not, she is not, he is not, we are not - they are, she is , he is, it is. We were.

It does not happen overnight. The beginning, the middle and then the end.

Right now in the heat, as things are slowing down from necessity - those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. Whatever level of your relationship........

Suggestion: Stop - pay attention - fertilize your relationship, water it, pluck the weeds, give it some shade and take the heat off and relieve some stress. Return your attention to each other - let go of what "others" think and find out what your loved ones think. Have lemons, make lemonade.


Anonymous said...

Hi Susan thank you for this it's Marie of SC. The right words at the right time. My husband and I are going through a rough patch. this is what 7 year itch kinda of means.
In short it is a relationship term - usually after 7 years people tend to re-evaluate their relationship. There might be evidence that it is now much shorter but the original number 7 came from a time period where the average marriage only lasted 7 years.

some marriages are not even making it to 7 yrs.

Here's a thought for your next post some steps to take on keeping a marriage alive and keeping interest.

Follower of yours for 3.5yrs and love love the picture great job and look forward to more from you Susan. You are such a blessing

Anonymous said...

Susan---Rob of Rochester NY just what i needed as i do not know what to do or how to get those sparks back.

What can you suggest to keeping interest so they don't wind up in someone elses bed.

At a loss. Follower 2yrs of yours and awesome picture.

Thank you for this post and look forward to your next one.

Your Gods gift to us all thank you for being here. What steps are needed to rekindle a marriage

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl Roy here you have out did your self again and just past it along to a friend of our who have been married for 5 yrs and going through a rough time. Talk about timing this is remarkable.

Love the picture kudos to you friend.

Anonymous said...

Susan---Jean of New Bern thank you so much for this can you provide how to get to know your spouse again we have friends that have been married for 7 yrs what ever you can do.

thanks and kudos to the picture your friend outdid herself again

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan--Lisa of MA my husband and i are having issues married for 7 yrs thank you for this and look forward to hearing more

Anonymous said...

Susan William of NJ--married 4 yrs and my wife has gotten the wondering eye at a loss what to do. can you suggest some steps to take to bring the marriage back together

Anonymous said...

Susan---Ray of Rochester NY going on 3 yrs what the heck is going wrong with our marriage i took the vows seriously and my wife has been sleeping around with 2 guys. I am heart broken not sure what to do.

this post is just what i needed and look forward to hearing more.. Your a blessing

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan--Dennis from the SU Gang thank you for this post friends of ours been married for 2 yrs and they are calling it quits unless there is a good reason to stay together. We just sent them what you posted and whatever else your able to provide. They are really good friends of ours and they belong together

Anonymous said...

Susan ---Marge here of NC---thank you for this post my husband and i have been married 7 yrs and we are always fighting.

Looking forward to hearing step how to keep us together.

No one talks anymore

Anonymous said...

Susan--Brad of IN---Oh wow timing is everything going on 5 yrs and that connection is not there.

Please share steps to getting back on track I love my wife.

Share steps also how put things back into perspective.

Love the picture also.

look forward to reading more

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan- Debbie--Fairport NY--Married for 7 years and my husband feels he needs a change.

Please share the step process

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan---Elizabeth of IL---6yrs and my husband and i are going through a rough patch.

As my husband listens to every one and it does not matter what others think and he is not getting it.

is there a step process to go through. look forward to reading more.

Your God's gift to us all

Picture is outstanding kudos to your friend

Anonymous said...

Susan--David---Corning NY---Thank you for the right words at the right time.

going on 3 yrs and no one talks anymore.

Any thoughts or steps to communicate with one another again

Anonymous said...

Susan--Nancy of OH we just hit 7 yrs today and my husband announced he is not happy anymore the spark is gone

Provide some guidance on steps on to create that romance again.

You are God's gift

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan---Nelson of Gates NY---it's been 3yrs we argue instead of talking.

Love some ideas on what can be done to talk to my wife again.

Anonymous said...

Susan---Josh of Fairport NY-- I wish i knew where this 7 year itch was invented.

I was married just hitting 7 years and my wife and I went out to dinner last weekend to celebrate our anniversary and she proceeded to tell me she wants a divorce. My heart crushed right on the spot as we have been together for 15yrs married 7.

From your perspective what takes your eye off of your partner and onto someone else. Please create another post on things to look for and ways to counter that before anything happens.

I believe in my marriage and wanted to last. Is it the number 7, is it a myth. I am so confused what happened.

I am asking God to provide you the words to write and share to all of us.

Follower of yours for 3yrs and outstanding picture.