Friday, April 18, 2008


If you look in the mirror, what do you reflect? As you walk about and through your day, in a way, you are reflecting onto others. Think of yourself as a mirror to others. If you are thinking of the phrase, like attracts like, consider what your actions, words and thoughts are viewed by others. These others can be your husband, your boyfriend, your children, your parents, your friends, etc. etc.

And, if you are coming from anger, annoyance, what might it look like to someone you love? You are driving in your car and someone cuts you off. You quickly react with a yell, perhaps a few words and an expression that would tell the world what you are thinking. Are you alone? Or do you have an audience?

I actually saw this on a TV show, so I don't take credit - yet, I don't typically anyway. The show was focusing on people's facial expressions. What are you reflecting to others. What would you like to reflect?

Are you in sales? Customer service?

Suggestion: Next time you are walking down the street, take a minute to pay attention to your thoughts, perhaps smile or, at least not frown. It takes less muscles to smile anyway.


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