Sunday, February 21, 2010


Relationships - what a broad topic. There are so many, yet I believe what most of us are curious about is a personal, romantic relationship between man and a woman. Yet, relationship 101 can be used by everyone -- friends, workmates, family, etc.

Recently I had a wonderful conversation with a family member. He indicated that what is important to him in a relationship is "high" conversation and humor. Ground zero in relationships, to me, is what are you looking for? How will you know when the "right" person appears?

I mentioned in a previous post - Are you ready? That is very important also. Defining what are you ready for -- dating, sex, friendship, marriage. What is it TRULY that you want and need.

A friend of mine has been dating for over a year. There was romance, laughter, sharing, introductions to family, and all the experiences and "right" words were spoken. Yet, the relationship did not move into the committed one that my friend cherishes and looks forward to. One in the relationship is simply, not ready as of this writing. Will that change? As of today - which is the only one that is important, this minute to be more specific is most important, there is no change. The relationship has splintered, and they have separated. Is there pain? Yes.

When we identify ourselves by what we do, who we are with, what we own, or what we think - we are truly missing a golden opportunity. Romantic relationships don't define us, relationships don't complete us.

Romantic relationships are to enrich each other, support each other, to learn from each other.

Romantic relationships are........ (Here is space for the readers to chime in, please.)


Anonymous said...

Hi Susan---Alice of Corning NY---Thank you for posting this and making it easy to speak out.

I can just tell by your writing how much you touch peoples lives. So Romantic Relationships are.

Tell your partner you love them.

Although it’s true that actions speak louder than words, words often speak more clearly than actions. Take a moment every now and then to verbalize what your feeling towards your partner
. A simple “I love you” or “You mean the world to me” can go a long way towards making your significant other feel wanted, cared for, and secure in your relationship.

That is what it means to me. It has been so long since I have heard those words. I have been trying the many suggestions you have provided so I can try and get my husband out of his funk he has been in now for awhile.

I feel that be it husband and wife or friends everybody deserves to hear something to show that you care.

Great job and wonderfully put.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan---Lee of OK---thanks for opening up this line of communication as I feel safe on your site and being able to be me and express how I feel. Thanks so much for that comfort zone.

Respond gracefully to your partner’s demands and shortcomings.

A big killer of relationships is unreasonable expectations. Unless you married a robot, your partner comes pre-loaded with a whole range of human failures.These are features, not bugs! Learn to recognize and appreciate your partner’s quirks for what they are: an essential part of who they are as people.

It is important to except our partners for who they are. At times it is just a bit challenging as all I ever want is to be loved.

Your site is my peaceful zone

Anonymous said...

Susan---Mike of Greece NY-- this is what a relationship means to me.

Take nothing for granted.
Cultivate a daily sense of gratitude for your partner and the thousands of little blessings he or she has brought into your life. Remember that, if you’re happy in your relationship, your partner is doing a thousand little things for you every day to make your relationship work (as, hopefully, you are for them). Never take that for granted – a relationship is work of the highest order, and the second you stop it starts to slide away.

My wife and I work hard everyday making a loving and lasting relationship and it sure does take a lot of work and you need to be patient. Working at it is on going and it is the little things that mean the most.

Thanks for writing this as this just re-enforces the steps that people need to take and create there only destiny for a beautiful lasting relationship.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan---Patty of Henrietta NY--for me a relationship means

Make alone time a priority.
No matter how busy both our lives are, make sure you commit at least an evening every week or two to be alone together. Have new experiences, share your stories as we have been creating stories from your suggestion and it has become a regular every Sunday when the who family is over for dinner as well as my husband and I do it daily for about 10 mins just to connect, and just generally enjoy each other’s company.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan--Candice of MA---Relationship means to me is to Share yourself take and make time for your friends and your husband or wife.

Having that connection is just a perfect way to have that jump start to your day. It is important to nurture all relationships as you don't want them to slip away.

Anonymous said...

Morning Susan--Wayne here of NY---Romantic relationships are to me is about communication, laughter, spending quality time with one another.

Anonymous said...

Susan--Nancy of Webster NY---What I truly want and need is that I'm ready to have a male companion starting out developing a friendship and building into more if it is with the right person.

I had lost my husband now about 10yrs and it would be nice to do things with someone

Anonymous said...

Good morning Susan--Ella of KC---First off you are a beautiful writer and you speak your words with such grace.

Your photographer is awesome we love there work.

A romantic relationship means to me when 2 people take time out to spend that quality time together to just be and connect and putting everything else aside for alittle bit. Laying in each others arms feeling both heart beats and the warmth of one another.

Saying sweet nothings, I love you and this also works with friends as there are many different types of relationships and in my opinion all can benefit from just a simple hello or a hug to start someones day off.

My husband and I have been married 20 years and we still do things for each other to start the day off.

Thanks so much for having this site as we are a loyal reader of yours for over a year now.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan--Roberta from CA---Romantic Relationships are for me is when my husband and I curl up on the couch spending quality time together and we listen to each others heartbeats as they become one and being able to share in moments like that are so precious.

It's about taking time out from your busy day sharing in some tender moments and living each moment.

I also do it with friends when I see them I give them a hug letting them know that they are thought of and how much I care about them.

It is the small things that trully do matter.

Love your photographer and we love your work you are such an angel from God. Look forward to reading more.

We have been followers for about 6 months now.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan---SU Gang here how the heck are you doing. Wow you keep doing outstanding and remarkable work. Thanks so much for this post as we do things on a regular basis for awhile now. This just validates that it is important to having relationships.

Ok since our group none of us are in a romantic relationship yet we are best of friends. What we do like once or twice a month we all take turns at each others homes and have dinner and game night for great conversations and lots of fun.

We set up tables of different board games or cards and you can jump from one game to the next. So much fun and talk about the laughter that comes from it.

Our gang love you and your work keep up the great job and we all love your photographer.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan- Renee---from MD---Romantic relationships are quality time together and connecting with one another.

My husband and I love the new picture with the cool looking shape rock with those lovely purple flowers surrounding it. You photographer out did themselves once again capturing the detail of the lines in the rock formation and the way the flowers are shaped.

We have been followers of yours now for over 2 yrs. Thanks for having this site as I take my lap top into the bathroom with me as I'm taking a bath and read you beautifully written post. Your site plus the bath make for one enjoy moment.

Your words are so relaxing

Anonymous said...

Good morning Susan--Elizabeth here of UT. Relationships are to me spending quality time together and it's the little things that are done that stand out and mean the most. It can be a simple good morning to start someones day off to going out and bringing back a cup of coffee.

Glad your feeling better now and it sounds like you have a pretty terrific friend that puts your needs above there own. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Hope you appreciate and love your friend as this is what relationships are about. Does not matter what type of relationship it is friend, romantic it all comes down to one thing it's kindness and love shown. If you have not done so already please go and give your friend a hug and tell them how much they mean to you.

Love your photographers picture looks like a nice place to visit.

Look forward to reading more

Anonymous said...

Hey Susan--Were the couple that got engaged and we wanted to share with you that we set the date August 20, 2010 and we are so excited and then going to Aruba for a week which was given as a gift from one of the Aunts and Uncles.

You writings have brought us closer together and the stories have become a way of life for us now as we stop and make the time to tell a story we try for morning if not without fail when we get home from work.

Your photographer is amazing the details that they captured does your photographer have pictures hanging up somewhere in a studio if not they would be perfect for all to see. Love there work

Look forward to hearing more on relationships.

Thanks for being apart of our lives you have brought so much richness to us all.

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl friend--Roy here---so glad your doing better...If you needed chicken soup my family and I would have made some and drove it down to you. Need to keep those juices flowing. Besides chicken soup is a cure all.

Looking out for our All Star writer.