Friday, April 18, 2008


Another thought today that popped into my head when reading a post on the "New York Times" newspaper site. It is about blogs that display people's opinions of what happened in their relationships. They are apparently providing all the "dirt" on what happened when a relationship when sour. I saw a number of 55,000 hits for one blog.

Are people reading these for entertainment, to escape from their own life, to get some ideas, or to make their own life seem normal and sane. It has been proven that what you put your attention or focus on is what will happen in your life.

It appears that people pay attention to things that have activity, novelty, suspense, conflict, etc. What if people moved away from other people's drama, and took care to deal with their own challenges, desires, needs. Or, how about putting attention on taking steps to assist others with their challenges, desires and needs. "Pay it Forward."

I'm simply musing here and mulling over some thoughts that will get clearer as I reread this blog. What do you get from these thoughts? Or, are there that many and more people who are in relationships that are going sour or think their relationship might be going sour and wonder about others also?

If you are in a relationship that has challenges, perhaps the book "Getting the Love You Want," by Harville Hendrix, Ph.D will be a good read.

Cheers, and Squeeze the Joy every minute, minutes do not return, yet memories do.


Bruno LoGreco said...

Perhaps it's a way for people to express the illusion of their relationship, seek validation from like minded individuals. Like attracts like, misery likes company.

Bruno LoGreco said...

Thanks for visiting my blog Susan!
That is exactly how I live my life -- pure heart, open for all to see inside. Nothing to hide.