Saturday, November 17, 2007


Have you ever thought --- which is louder a monster thunder storm or the silence of a phone not ringing.

As the Thanksgiving and holiday season approaches, thoughts will be on people present, past and a vision of those, perhaps in the future. As we transform into the holiday preparation persona, faster and faster each day the normal "stuff" needs doing, then add shopping, decorating, cooking, baking, cleaning, polishing, last minute gifts, etc. etc. etc. ----

take a minute, pick up the phone and say -- "Hello, I was just thinking of you and I smiled, how are you?" That is the richest gift you can give to another, and one that can cost the least.

Or, is there a person you have not seen or spoken to in awhile -- call them - break the ice. Let the wasted, wondering mind energy fall away creating space for bright and productive thoughts.

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