Sunday, January 20, 2008

RESOLUTIONS and.......

It's January, typically resolution alley, fitness mentality, changes are coming for sure. This is the year to achieve all that you have wanted to achieve.

Question: What is going to sustain the changes you make after you expend the effort to make them? Is this a true desire of yours? i.e. You want to lose weight. Do you want to change jobs, do you want to let go of...., do you want to......., ???????

OK, great, yet, what difference will it make for you? How will your life change? What will you do differently when you lose the weight, change jobs, let go......?

Have you thought about it and not succeeded in the past? I say here -- so what. That was then, this is now.

Step 1: What is your purpose?
Step 2: What will be different?
Step 3: How will you feel when you make the change?
Step 4: What will it look like - draw a picture, make a list, -- make it come alive.
Step 5: What support do you have? A group, a coach, a plan (use a calendar, perhaps).
Step 6: Incremental rewards - yipee!!!!
Step 7: Make sure you are doing this for YOURSELF, not because someone or others say it's important. This is for YOU, initially. Yet, when YOU feel better, it will reflect onto others in the way you are seen.

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