Sunday, January 6, 2008


I was speaking to a man recently - and I mentioned that I had spoken with his wife. He said, "I hope she was nicer to you than she is with me." At first I was uncertain how to, or if, I needed to respond. Then I simply said, "What are you doing?" He said, "I think it is what I am not doing." I then replied, "Perhaps, ask what she needs."

He then stood there for a couple minutes. He then said "Hmmm."

I likely will not know the outcome of that conversation. Yet, I do know it caused me to ask myself -- what do I need. Needs change for everyone. What you need today, might not be what you need next year. I also had a conversation with a recent college graduate about needs. He quickly understood my question and replied, "It's true. I don't need what I wanted two or three years ago, that is interesting."

People can get caught up with what or how they did something in the past. Or, perhaps, notice what someone else has and believe they need it too.

Needs - oh, I don't mean the basics, like food, shelter, etc. Well, for some, that is exactly what they need. Yet gratefully, at the moment, my needs are less obvious, yet, when met, they truly are fulfilling. The need to be understood. Begin to speak more clearly, take time to choose the right words.

There can be something really cool and wonderful about checking in with yourself once in awhile. What do you need? It is a simple straightforward question, yet one that goes unasked. The answers can be surprising.


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