Wednesday, March 19, 2008


"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." -- John Fitzgerald Kennedy

This quote caught my attention today when thinking of the very thoughtful comment recently left on this blog. The comment, as I read, suggests that some people are uncomfortable giving compliments or expressing appreciation. Is this because they don't have enough reserve of their own to share with others, or simply have not had enough practice.

Have you ever heard someone utter a complement in passing - "Great job" or "You all Rock," and believe that it was absorbed and appreciated. Sometimes compliments or messages of gratitude and appreciation are about the giver and not the receiver.

I, personally, am aware that the more open I am to receive, appreciate, understand and experience the difference in others, that the more often I am living in integrity.

OK - here is a word that JUMPED out at me today, I did not use it in the above post - yet, here it is to share -- "expound" = explain, expand on, talk about, illustrate, etc. I simply think it is a cool word, and will consider how to include it in a future post.

I am simply going to continue to become more aware of the words that I use, and to live my life the same.


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