Sunday, June 6, 2010

Commitment - Can mean "the end," yet........

The word "commitment" according to Microsoft Word's thesaurus:

Promise: pledge, vow, obligation, assurance, binder

Obligation: duty, responsibility, liability

Need I say more? Obligation, binder -- liability, duty....... Please note that, as I begin to write, these are my thoughts.

Much of the feeling around the word commitment can be based on the experiences of a person. If a person has seen relationship after relationship fail, then the word commitment, might appear as if an anvil has landed on the heart or throat.

Some people, perhaps too quickly, move into a committed relationship without first doing their own homework. What relationship do they want, what values do they have that their partner needs to share or value also.

I do suggest that people live for the present day, and not focus too far out. And, this is true in the current day. Yet, if a concept of the future is not appreciated or understood, then chances are a commitment will fail. Five years into the relationship, she goes back to school full time, he decides, please no children, another determines she does not like to travel, another finds that being alone so much was not in the bargain, still another retires. There are many more scenarios for failure of a commitment. Some people just don't want to fail.

Thus, a bad rap for commitment. If someone takes 5 years to commit to a relationship, is that wrong? What are the reasons? To finish school first, well that makes sense to me. To take the time to get to know the other person, to save and plan for the future. That can make sense.

Personally, I have had issues with this word; however, I believe I understand it and appreciate it better now. It can mean a beginning rather than an end, it can mean focus and less scattered. It can mean that the right person is right in front of you.

Your thoughts on this subject? Bring them on!!!! Thanks to each person who comments and shares, and for all others who stop by.

Squeeze joy!!!


Anonymous said...

Good morning Susan---Joan from NJ---Love this post and a just truly a fantastic way of looking at this word as like a beginning instead of an end. Love that I think I'm going to put that as my screen saver.

You are so in the now which is an area that I need to get a better handle on it's just knowing where to begin and what steps to take. I'm in a simular situation where it has been 9 years without a commitment from my boyfriend and it gets frustrating as I'm at a loss what else I can do. I do love him yet I have needs that I would like to have met. Any suggestions around or approach that can be taken.

I am a loyal reader of over a year in half and your photographer has out did themselves again. This picture TOTALY ROCKS AND PASS THE WORD ALONG. Your photographer is awesome.

Where can we go see there work. Also I praise God everyday for God giving us such a wonderful woman with manifiencient insights. You are such a delight and a remarkable creation from God. God knew what he was doing when he created you.

Thank for providing a tranquil place to come.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan--Lisa of Ontario NY---Your post is brilliant and for that word it has been a bit of a challenge to make a commitment as I have been in too many situations where it has turned sour in the relationship end. So I tend to shy away from any.

What would be a good approach on over coming it and being able to make a commitment to someone. I have a boyfriend now and he would like to settle down. The past experiences are hold me back and would like to be able to get past that.

When ever my boyfriend brings it up my stomach turns and is in knots. Any suggestions that would be really appreciated what I need to do that will help.

I am one of your huge fans of yours. Your are the sun that shines so bright. Also I think your photographer is terrific when is there viewing let us know.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan---Melissa of MA-- What suggestion can you provide on a good time frame without moving or rushing into a commitment with a boyfriend. What is rushing into a commitment is it a week, a month etc. Your thoughts

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan--Mary of IL--I have the same question as the above person please share.

Your photographer ROCKS. Love your writing follower of your for 2yrs now. Look forward to seeing more

Anonymous said...

Susan-- Millie---Rochester NY---Ditto of the other comments above. Inquiry minds want to know.

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan---Emery here sorry it has been so long Have not forgotten. Great post and lovely picture. Just checking in more when I get another moment.

Crazy around here...

Anonymous said...

Hello Susan---Amy of Fairport NY---I ditto that as well like to know also.

You are such a wonderful writer and you an outstanding photographer. You are a gift from god.