Thursday, June 10, 2010

First, Second, Third, Home

"Progress always involves risk; you can't steal second base and keep your foot on first." - Frederick Wilcox

Not to utilize old puns.... the current topic, is challenging to many, myself included with some areas of my life. With any type of relationship, you are making a commitment. You are making a choice to commit more of your time and attention to the people in your life. Whether it be dating for a week, a month, a year.

When you buy a new or new-to-you car, you are making a commitment. It is a type of relationship. A car can provide warmth, power, comfort (when it runs and gets you to where you want to go), and dependability; and there are times, when it fails and disappoints. I'm beginning the car shopping process, and I saw one recently that turned my head. After thinking about it, considering the advantages of and the advantages of not getting it, also checking in with a couple people, I determined that it was not the car for me. So, I did not commit.

How long did that take - perhaps 48 hours. It could have taken longer, or it might have taken less time. What I would suggest, truly, is pray about your relationship. Pray that your eyes be opened to see, your ears to be opened to hear, and the words you need be provided.

Suggestion: Relax, check in occasionally with the other person. Where are they? Be clear on what you want and need, and what you have to give.

and, thank you for posting your comments; you are appreciated.

Squeeze joy.....

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