Thursday, July 10, 2008


WOW - I'm flattered, yet, as always, here goes curiosity. What would the book look like? I actually have a couple ideas, and one day, I just might produce a book. Yet as the comments rolled in recently (THANK YOU to all of you - it truly is wonderful to hear, and you likely have no idea how your comments help others too), I began to think about books, in general.

I took a look at my book shelves and discovered more than one that I had purchased with the idea of likely doing something with the contents. And, there they sit, somewhat incomplete in a fashion. Sentences are underlined, notes taken, days passed, and they were put on the shelf.

What a marvelous summer project I have outlined for myself. I am going to choose a book, then pick it down to the bones. Rather like sucking the meat off a bar-b-q pork rib.

And, when I do write the book that is rolling around inside of me, it likely will be announced here first.

Happy Summer!!!!

P.S. Oh, going slower truly does work - It has been almost 2 weeks since I filled up, and I'm still going, likely into Sunday before I will need to fill up again. That will be two weeks, actually. I consider it a real victory when I can't remember when I was last in a gas station. Oh, I have a Honda Civic. YIPEE!!!!!! Another vantage point, is that I saved some gas for someone else to use. Some people truly do need a large vehicle, yet others...... Plus, I'm not losing any time - in fact, I have more time to - you might have guessed it .......

"Squeeze joy from each second........, "


Anonymous said...

Jasmine---Love your blogs and I hope you do write your book I would love an autograph copy of it. Keep up the great job.

Yes driving slower helps so much I've gone over a week and now on Sat afternoon I will have to put gas in my car.

Great job keep it up

Anonymous said...

Brian from SU from my perspective you need to write your book time is now. Life is too short and look forward to seeing your book in book stores.

Enjoy your summer

Anonymous said...

Peter here so tell me when are you going to write your book. Your a great writer and would love to see it in print.

Your post are great and you are a gifted writer

Anonymous said...

Jimbo here---your one creative writer and I like to know when do you think your book will be published.

Loved the one on green. I've tried it out already going slower I'm just so amazed how much gas there is to be saved

You inspired me to test this between my wifes car and mine and see how long we both can go on a tank of gas. My wife tends to have a lead foot. My wife and I enjoy your post very much keep up the great job.

Anonymous said...

James here---how's your night going read your post and there just fantastic.

You are a wonderful writer. I noticed that you are planning to write a book. Have you started it and when can my wife and I expect to see it in the stores.

Thank you so much for sharing all your wonderful info.

Keep of the terrific job

Anonymous said...

Ryan----I'm one of your faithful readers so please tell us when will we see you book. Look forward to reading on the wonderful insites you give.

The radio link and the i-pod link were awesome to name a few. The radio one my grandmother is from Florida and we live in NYC now and she missed hearing some of her favorite radio stations and she was so thrilled when I came across this link.

Love your work great job