Thursday, October 9, 2008


"For small creatures such as we, the vastness is bearable only through love." - Carl Sagan

A thought for today - to ahhhh, simply be in love with yourself, with your neighbor, with your car (even if it sputters), with the rain, with the clouds, with your job, with the person on your job who typically brings a frown to your face, and with the day in general.

Take a minute and smile at someone right to their eyes. Take a minute and open a door, and hold it for the next two people. Take a minute and hug your kids, regardless of their age. They will groan, yet inwardly smile. Take a minute to connect with someone who has been on your mind. Take a minute to smile - knowing there will be many more minutes to wrinkle your forehead and frown.

I found myself smiling thinking of you smiling - thank you for that gift.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there Susan it's Roy what's going on girl. Love your quote and the pictures kudos to your photographer. So wow you have been busy Congratulations on this venture very nice what your doing.

Girl you know something love your post you do need to love yourself everyday and acknowledge it's a fantastic way to start your day. By loving yourself makes you able to love others as well.

Such a powerful post just read all of the latest ones great job and I'm up to date now. Love seeing what your next one will be.

Keep it up there girl and always your friend Roy.