Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Today I took a test for the first time in, well, a few years. I sat for the NYS Notary Public exam, which is a set of 40 multiple choice questions. Leaving the exam, and while I sit here writing this post, I am 99% confident that I received a passing grade. The requirement is 70%, and the test is pass/fail. We will learn the outcome in three weeks through the mail.

It was actually more enjoyable this time, as the proctor was very specific with instruction, and, thankfully, was also realistically humorous. After misjudging the time it would take to get to the test site, I arrived with 10 minutes to spare, which was a relief, yet, I was armed with the knowledge that I had prepared well.

First reaction, first thought, first response was the proctor's suggestion when looking at a question that was puzzling. This, he stated was experience talking. This is not the first time I have heard this concept, and likely you have heard it before true.

Yet, how often do we subscribe to that axiom in other areas of our lives? I am paying more attention to this in the dating world. It seems to be working, for me, that is. Now I'm going to try it in other environments of my life.

I picked up at the library today the book entitled, "Blink," by Malcolm Gladwell. There is also a film made based on the book. I rented the film, and had difficulty sitting through it. It includes scientific principles, which I can read better, that view. The first example in the book references relationship research. I thought this interesting, as on the local PBS station last weekend, hosted by John Cleese, a celebrated member of the Monty Python comedy show, there was a segment about facial expressions and how they can be utilized to determine the strength or true, actual and current status of a relationship. They process through words and expose feelings and moods which are not accurately reflected by the words that the couples use to communicate with each other.

Is this confusing to you? Possibly, because I saw it, yet it is in a brief paragraph difficult to explain. Let me know if you have questions, and I will respond.

The first reaction or thought concept utilized with a test application, can be used whenever we make a choice or face a decision.

Suggestion: Simply take a minute and make a conscious decision to become aware when making a decision. Trying to lose weight, and pick up a candy bar. What was your thought? You instinctly grab a candy bar, and perhaps, think, "Oh, I should put this back." Then, put it back. You see someone on the street, and you smile. If you have a chance, say hello, and perhaps they have information that you can use. Yesterday in the library, I picked up a book off the shelf. A woman walking by, stopped and commented, she truly appreciated and liked the author. With that a man appeared, apologized for interrupting, and asked about the author. I had heard of the author, and was aware she speaks on Hay House Internet radio. With that on my business card I wrote the Hay House website down for both when they asked me for it.

Both people took a minute, with a split second of thought, made a connection, and walked away with information.

What are you missing by ignoring those inklings, subconscious thoughts, the "other" voice, whatever you call it.

Take a minute follow that first thought or first reaction, response, and see where it leads. Every person on this blog will gain from your posts and comments. Let us know if and how this works.

And, again, Squeeze the Joy each minute, minutes don't return, yet memories do! Create special memories with joyful minutes. Begin to practice your joy muscles. It is a wonderful experience.


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