Sunday, February 24, 2008


"Discontent is the first necessity of progress." - Thomas Alva Edison

What is the area of your discontent? Are there more than one? What speaks the loudest?

Shoving it downward, or ignoring it, will not make it go away. It just might get louder, or grow ugly.

Are you hanging onto things too tightly, or people, or jobs too long?

What does this quote say to you? I have some ideas, and will blog about those next time. Yet today, is very much -A Tidbit like. A thought, and I'm leaving it up to the readers to, perhaps if they choose, to post a thought or two on this subject.

Let me know what you are thinking, as I'm listening -- to each of you. Thank you for previously commenting on the blog. If you have not yet, please do comment - it seems to be painless.

Hey - have fun squeezing the joy out of every minute!

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