Monday, February 18, 2008


"The gem cannot be polished without friction." - Chinese proverb

I asked for comments and thoughts, and you generously provided them. You like quotes.

This quote caught my eye, as for me, it can be used every day. There typically is something in my every day that I can identify as having a rough edge or an aspect that could use some polishing. Whether it is a joke, to be more effective, needs timing practice, or simply eating a better breakfast, or responding to a question.

Yet, this quote does not suggest that without friction progress cannot happen. Attention to this quote will create a process for notice. Change cannot take place without notice.

If life is close to being simply perfect, then lets simply pay attention to the friction points. What could be done differently? What did I learn? What was my role in that friction? Next time - or perhaps, the lesson will be to take steps so next time does not occur.

I'm playing with this one. If you decide to play too, please consider posting what comes up for you so we can all learn.

Hey - have fun as you continue to squeeze the joy out of every minute!


Anonymous said...

This is Joe how true this is having a rough day thanks for this

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