Monday, February 4, 2008

"It is not falling into the water,......"

"It is not falling into the water, but lying in it, that drowns." - Anonymous

As 2008 moves along, not everyone needs to make a change. That is very true.

Yet, even people living in abundance, have challenges. Did you know that Keith Ledger lived in a $26,000 a month apartment. His bed was a mattress on the floor, and I understand there was little else in the apartment -- not much of him there. There was an interview in November where he stated - that he was happier when he had less.

If something is not working, and it continues and continues. All of a sudden something else does not work, and it continues and continues.

The big stuff typically gets taken care, it is the little stuff that erodes while your not looking.

Suggestion: Each month begin with an environment inventory. Take a few moments, unclutter, checkin with finances, relationships, wardrobe, entertainment, family, spiritual, security, and whatever environments create the balanced circle for YOU.

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