Friday, October 26, 2007

What do YOU Need?

Friday, February 16, 2007

-A Tidbit
-A Tidbit into a crumb, into a morsel --
Watch it grow and grow into something you want in your life!!!!!

-A Tidbit -- No. 4

Changes often eliminate some needs; others may gather steam and grow. How would it feel to have – NO NEEDS? This is not -A Tidbit about wants, this is –A Tidbit about NEEDS. After satisfying basic needs of food, clothing and shelter, what others are there for you?

Some people need 6 hours of sleep, while others need 8 hours. Recently, the temperature throughout virtually the entire World was Hot. To some people cooling to 65oF was needed, others needed 70oF to begin feeling cool again. Needs can cause frustration, be a point of stagnation, cost money or just simply annoy.

An example of a specific need – your back itches. A thoughtful person offers to scratch it – when that spot is scratched, relief can be instantaneous. Many people verbally emit a low pleasurable sound of --- AHHH. THAT is what satisfying a need feels like.

Our choices each day bring experiences and circumstances that can resolve or create a myriad of needs. Each person, similar to DNA, is unique in their needs. Growth for me (except for my waistline) is a good thing, yet flourishing resonates as a wonderful thing!!!! (This would be a great place to refer to -A Tidbit, No. 2 – Discovering your Joy.) You want to have a clean garage, yet you NEED it cleaned to fit the car in. Your own truth is a great place to begin.

SUGGESTIONS: Make a list of 15 needs – use a thesaurus, if that will help. Be VERY specific. Example of -- To be Right: not dismissed, correct, morally right, be encouraged, honest, to be confirmed, to be heard. This is a process -- start, walk away, then return to it. Pick the one that YELLS at you, and then determine EXACTLY what it will take to meet that specific need. Get that spot scratched and feel the ahhhhhhh. Then, pick another. Then sit back, relax and observe the anticipated relaxed feeling and/or financial savings as a result.

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