Friday, October 26, 2007

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

One more thing on this date. Today I was reading, which I do as often as I can, the blog by Seth Godin at His post today is "Starting over with customer service."

His writing is edgy and fresh, full of insight and examples. Often he references other sites and is open to sharing and providing praise where he believes it worthy. One thing I think is missing from today's posting is lack of the word respect. It may be an underlying thought, yet the word is powerful, easily understood, and has been absent from much communication within family even to the Congress of the United States. From my perspective respect is a huge value that is missing from many environments that people inhabit. If a company will show respect for it's customers, the customers will likely feel understood and move into the flow of respecting the company and its employees. The reverse is true. If a customer is respectful, a customer service representative will likely be also.

Respect is a value that has many uses, functions and can be used 100 times each day by everyone. When that happens, pay attention to what is received. Just maybe, respect back. Most adults sure know how to spell it from the song "RESPECT" a hit for Aretha Franklin (looking for respect from men) in 1967. It was written and recorded by Otis Redding in 1965 (looking for respect from women). How about finally giving it and getting it -- RESPECT!!!!!

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