Friday, October 26, 2007

Without Delay Axiom

Friday, February 23, 2007

With my operation mode intent on a focus of "without delay," I offer a couple of insights I had this morning.

A question appeared -- is using the axiom to avoid delay, creating a reaction or a response? Pondering that thought for just a few minutes, it was a relief to determine that currently I am using a response mode, rather than reaction. I realized a sense of calm and lack of stress when I researched and responded to my own question and the recent lack of delay pattern with my communication. Some emails I did not respond to or feel the need, with others, without delay I formatted a response to promptly complete the current loop away from me. Therefore my vision of what is left "to do" is reduced because with a read, heard or experience, replied and moved on format, fewer piles, dust and tolerations remain. It clears the clutter.

What are your thoughts on this? Or --- don't you care?Regardless, enjoy the moment -- they are fleeting, once here, then gone.

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