Friday, October 26, 2007


Saturday, March 3, 2007


-A Tidbit, into a crumb, into a morsel --
Watch it grow and grow evolving into what you want in your life!

-A TIDBIT -- NO. 5

I am back from vacation, and -A Tidbit returns with thoughts about a common saying of years past. Recently I thought of the phrase -- Don’t put the cart before the horse. Its meaning is, at is -- to begin at the proper place; do things in their proper order. My question for this definition is WHEN is, WHAT is and WHO decides the proper order and/or proper place to begin?

A creative writing class assignment was to pick a color (I used brown), use variations of the color at least 10 times, use a thesaurus or other tool, and write a maximum of 250 words. I am using a portion of that creation for this –A Tidbit to assist in my explanation of how to dissect a common phrase or paradigm to see if it works for you.

Tipping the thought processes may certainly muddy a clear head; however, upside down thoughts can be invigorating. I have reworded the adage to offer another concept. The size of the cart is required to determine if one horse or two is needed, or perhaps a pony will suffice.
Another perspective is, don’t put the train before the tracks. Oh, progress will be dusty at best when a vast, full-size track of reddish-brown railroad ties stretches out into the distance and the intended train is a maroon and dark brown HO (miniature) model.

Many times an answer will be the same when a question is set in bronze. Don’t let progress get burnt to a liver-colored crisp without standing on your auburn curls for another point of view.
SUGGESTION: Consider a paradigm that you currently have that may not be working in your best interests, and turn it upside down and inside out. Instead of does use does not. Instead of always, use occasionally. Instead of ____________, fill in the blank and stand on your head for another point of view. Which looks, sounds better? If you write it down, I suggest you read it out loud. Add a few colorful adjectives and most important (from my perspective) have some fun.

Created by Susan M. KorbIt’s Your Life Net, Jump Safe Coach

This content may be forwarded in full with contact, and creation information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit context. For other uses, please receive permission in writing from It’sYourLifeNet.
Copyright © September 8, 2006, Susan M. Korb

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