Friday, October 26, 2007


Thursday, May 3, 2007

Good Morning -- ah, what a transition. Today the sun is shining brightly and the weather is beginning to warm up in Upstate New York. Some people are uncomfortable with the word change, so I'm using transition, as it appears to be softer and more subtle. My life has taken on quite the transition recently.

Six years of relationship seemingly wiped out within minutes, and cleaned out and removed within a week. Yet, the world has created another opportunity for me to share my current residence and life with a friend who is also in transition. That occurred exactly one week after Rick packed up and departed abruptly, with no further communication other than a few abrupt emails. Interesting. Anybody have any thoughts on this transition?

The past three, almost four weeks have been filled with some grey clouds, yet accomplishments, proud moments and reawakening. As a woman, the need to remove every belonging of the former relationship has been a compulsive search and seek mission. I believe I have removed everything, even a Christmas ornament. Is this typical of other women who are or have moved past a relationship? I have a theory that women need to remove all physical items as they indicate a connection remains.

Please share -- your thoughts.

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